- These Terms and Conditions of Use regulate the rules governing the use of the contents subject to copyright published on this website (hereinafter, the Contents). Accessing, downloading or using the Contents confers the condition of User on the person who does so and implies acceptance of all the conditions included in this document, in the Privacy Policy and in the Legal Notice of this website. The User should read these conditions each time he/she accesses, downloads or uses the Contents, as they may be modified in the future.
Certain sections of ROVI's web sites have been designed for specific audiences including the general public, healthcare professionals, ROVI shareholders, etc. When the web site is intended for healthcare professionals, express mention will be made of this. Among the various services contained on ROVI's web sites is the provision of information about ROVI's activities, products, information about health and the health sector. Although certain medical information may appear on ROVI's web sites, if you are involved in a medical process, please consult your doctor or health service provider. We do not offer personalised medical diagnosis or specific medical advice for patients.
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- The Contents, as well as the brands and other distinctive signs that appear in them are the property of the respective authors or of Pan Química Farmacéutica, S.A. (hereinafter, Rovi). Users may access the Contents with the possibility of consulting and downloading them, subject to the conditions established in this document. For this purpose, the User is granted a non-exclusive and free licence to use the Contents for medical and educational purposes. This licence is also granted on the same terms with respect to any updates and improvements made to the Contents. This licence of use may be revoked unilaterally at any time, by simply notifying the User on this Website. Any use of the Contents made by the User must expressly and visibly indicate the name of the author, as it appears in the corresponding Content.
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- The User undertakes to make correct use of the Contents, in accordance with the Law, with these Terms and Conditions of Use and with the other regulations and instructions which, where applicable, may be applicable. The User will be liable to Rovi, to the author and to third parties for any damages that may be caused by non-fulfilment of these obligations.
- These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed entirely by Spanish legislation. For the resolution of any conflict relating to their interpretation or application, the User expressly submits to the jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid (Spain).